
Rubber granulate palisade RP "Antracit"

39,30 €
  • Plus delivery costs

  • Realisation time approx.

    7-14 days
  • 196,50 € / 5 piece / lm
  • (12,72 kg /  piece)

EAN: 4251469325548 | Item no.: 2554

The round palisade is a versatilely utilisable, highly-functional design element for supporting embankments, bounding the car parks, paths and driveways, binding the patches and separate the areas. The shock-resistant palisade provides passive safety in terms of fall injury prevention and shock absorption. Bumping it by car does not leave any scratches or scars; in case of an overthrow, the risk of head injuries is reduced.

Thanks to the longitudinally formed cove and galvanised ground anchor, the palisades can be mounted in a straight line or freely meandering in a concrete fundament. This way they stay interdependently without an open gap, so that percolation is possible.

The palisades of different heights and colours can be naturally combined with each other.

Product type RP (Palisáda ø 25 cm | Oceľová rúrka ako zemný kotviaci prvok | Riadková montáž pomocou výrezu | Hrany s fázou | Betónuje sa)
Calculation of quantity
0 m2

The advantages of WARCO


S UV stabilizáciou

ELT gumový granulát obsahuje UV stabilizátory. Farba alebo farebný povlak nežltne.

Toxikologicky bezpečný

Žiadne neprípustné emisie škodlivých látok, počiatočný zápach gumy časom ustúpi.

Weatherproof - soil

Weatherproof; full or partial covering with soil is permissible.


Správanie pri požiari podľa EN 13501-1: Efl Akceptovateľné správanie pri požiari

Product properties

Comparative values