
Half tile FH "Antracit"

11,50 €
  • Plus delivery costs

  • Realisation time approx.

    7-14 days
  • 5,75 € / item
  • (2 piece / Set 2,40 kg /  piece)

EAN: 4251469303836 | Item no.: 0383

The half tile is a useful addition to the rubber granulate tiles type FS while designing surfaces with raster compliant dimensions (the length and width are multiples of 50 cm). The tiles from type FS must be laid in an offset grid pattern and with the assistance of connectors. This means, every second row begins and ends with a half tile.

The half tile saves the time on the construction site needed for mechanical cutting into halves of a tile for every second row. Due to the application of a system-compatibly made half tile, the final image of the surface looks better. The half tiles produced in our plant have chamfers on every upper edge. Cutting the tiles with tools on the construction site normally leads to a rectangular and black edge.

Format 500 x 250 x 30 mm
Product type FH (Bočné spojovacie prvky | Polovičná doska 50 x 25 cm | Hrany s fázou | Výrazný drenážny profil na spodnej strane)
Calculation of quantity
0 m2

The advantages of WARCO


S UV stabilizáciou

ELT gumový granulát obsahuje UV stabilizátory. Farba alebo farebný povlak nežltne.

Toxikologicky bezpečný

Žiadne neprípustné emisie škodlivých látok, počiatočný zápach gumy časom ustúpi.

Weatherproof - indoors and outdoors

Recommended for areas in buildings and in the open air. Assure the drainage on or in the base course.


Správanie pri požiari podľa EN 13501-1: Efl Akceptovateľné správanie pri požiari

Product properties

Comparative values

Matching accessories