
Corner half wedge right RA "Antracit"

11,50 €
  • Plus delivery costs

  • Realisation time approx.

    7-14 days
  • 23,00 € / 2 piece / lm
  • (2,25 kg /  piece)

EAN: 4251469319769 | Item no.: 1976

The corner half wedge right is compatible to the Anti Trip Wedge RM, naturally with the appropriate format and material. With the separately available left wedge half, the right one builds a perfectly formed, right-angled corner that can be mounted directly on the Anti Trip Wedge RM without further processing.

The solution for corners is applied to border an island or a peninsula laid in a section of a paved surface using anti trip wedges.

The corner half wedge can be directly stuck on an appropriate, solid underfloor using a PU glue or double-sided adhesive tape.

Product type RA (Vonkajší roh - pravá polovica - ku klinu RM | Hrany mierne zaoblené | Plochý drenážny profil na spodnej strane | Lepí sa)
Calculation of quantity
0 m2

The advantages of WARCO


S UV stabilizáciou

ELT gumový granulát obsahuje UV stabilizátory. Farba alebo farebný povlak nežltne.

Toxikologicky bezpečný

Žiadne neprípustné emisie škodlivých látok, počiatočný zápach gumy časom ustúpi.

Weatherproof - indoors and outdoors

Recommended for areas in buildings and in the open air. Avoid waterlogging and assure the water outlet.


Správanie pri požiari podľa EN 13501-1: Efl Akceptovateľné správanie pri požiari

Product properties

Comparative values

Matching accessories