
Sports flooring tile Pro BZ "Antracit"

9,30 €
  • Plus delivery costs

  • Realisation time approx.

    7-14 days
  • 37,20 € / 4 piece / m²
  • (4,08 kg /  piece)

EAN: 4251469301580 | Item no.: 0158

If you need to quickly and economically adapt an industrial building with concrete floor, an asphalted yard or a place with concrete paving to a leisure sports area, the sports flooring tiles Pro are the right flooring. This also applies for events or festivals.

Obviously, the sports flooring tiles Pro are joint-friendly elastic, slip-resistant and offer a good ball bounce. If used outdoors, the playing field is frost-resistant and water-permeable - playable in all weathers. However, the used surface should not exceed 40 m².

Product type BZ (Puzzle spojenie | Hrany mierne zaoblené | Plochý drenážny profil na spodnej strane)
Calculation of quantity
0 m2

The advantages of WARCO


S UV stabilizáciou

ELT gumový granulát obsahuje UV stabilizátory. Farba alebo farebný povlak nežltne.

Toxikologicky bezpečný

Žiadne neprípustné emisie škodlivých látok, počiatočný zápach gumy časom ustúpi.

For weatherproof areas, also outdoors

For weatherproof areas, but also outdoors. Avoid waterlogging and permanent drenching.


Správanie pri požiari podľa EN 13501-1: Efl Akceptovateľné správanie pri požiari

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